Sliding Door Installation & Repair

About Precision Screens

Are your sliding screen doors giving you a tough time? We specialize in making them roll with ease. We install new screens and repair old ones. We replace wheels, rescreen doors and install custom heavy duty screens. 10 foot doors are not a problem. Mobile screen door repair for Milguard, Fleetwood, Atrium, Pella, and Anderson doors.

Precision screens started in 2012. We pride ourselves on our customer service. We don't leave until the customer is happy. Referral work is the best work. We continue to make business relationships with our customers. We love what we do and we love our customers.


From the Owner

"I have been in the industry for 8 years and consider myself a perfectionist. We won't leave the job until your screen is perfectly plum, rolling with ease, and not making squeaks. I am 28 years old and work around the clock to suite your needs. I have a genuine love for my customers and engage in conversation from people all over the country who live in our beautiful valley."

Leave Us 5-Stars on Yelp

We love to meet new people and make many new friends through the quality work that we perform. We believe that our work speaks for itself but if you would like to help one of our future clients make a decision in determining the right contractor to choose, Please leave us a review on our Yelp page. We look forward to reading about your experience and hope you contact us for your next screen project. Click Here To Leave Us A Review.

Sliding Door Installation & Repair

Free Estimates

Give us a call today to see what Precision Screens can do for you!
(760) 636-9876
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair
Sliding Door Installation & Repair